Newport State Park Interpretive Center and Visitor’s Station

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Brittingham Boathouse Restoration and Addition



Brittingham Boathouse Restoration and Addition

Madison, Wisconsin | 2,400 SQ. FT.

Full architectural, planning and landscape design services for the lifting and relocation, restoration and addition to a National Register Historic rowing club building located on the shore of Lake Monona. The building is the oldest surviving park building in the City of Madison. Green building design features include recycled content, pervious pavers, and a native landscape design with rain gardens to capture parking lot storm water. This building received the 2007 Historic Preservation Award from the Wisconsin Historical Society, and the 2007 Historic Preservation Award for restoration, renovation, and relocation from the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation. The building was also named the Longest Structure Moved in 2006 by the Mid-States Association of Structural Movers.

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